Sunday, January 25, 2009

Childrens Safety in Pools

Children are very likely to drown in a pool when they swim and can not stand up and swim.
There were 2 cases in Hawaii of Kids who went into a slippery pool and could not stand up and drowned.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Types of Tile that are recommended for Pool Surfaces.

The types of tile that are recommended include
poured concrete
The glazed tile is a cheap fix, looks nice but is very dangerous.
Also the tiles are subject to falling out.
the contractors who us the glazed tiles will give you all kinds of suggestions on why it should be used but they will never guarantee the products safety.
Beware, these guys are putting a cheap product in your pool and you will have to deal with the danger.
Board of Directors who install these types of pool risk their fiduciary duty to the association.
Usually these boards are filled with "do gooders" who know nothing about the products they vote on.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

People drown in slippery tile pools

If you tile the inside of your pool with slippery tile, you are putting your life and the life and safety of your family in danger.
There are safer materials to use to than slippery glazed tile. Your contractor should guarantee that there will be no injuries to anyone using the pool due to slipping. The tiles should be non slip.